The Society of Australian Cinema Pioneers has instituted a Humanitarian Award to recognise outstanding and exceptional service to the cinema industry and/or the larger community by a member of the Australia Cinema Pioneers. This service might be for charity work, mentoring, community service and any other activities of merit. The award is not necessarily made every year and only when there is a suitable candidate.
In 2020 the Humanitarian Award is made to Tom Jeffrey AM. Tom has had a stellar career in production and as a groundbreaking director of Australian films. He was the National President of the Pioneers as 2007 and was the 2018 NSW Pioneer of the year. The Award recognises his twelve years as to the NSW Motion Picture Industry Benevolent Society (MPIBS). The society assists Pioneers who find themselves in difficult circumstances. Tom’s role as its Chairman of Investigation and Relief as Chairman of Investigation and Relief. The Society assists Pioneers who find themselves in difficult circumstances, and in need of a helping hand. Tom’s role assisting beneficiaries requires compassion, empathy and understanding.